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International meeting Beaver Burrowing in Infrastructure (IBBI)

We are pleased to open the registration for the international meeting on beaver burrowing in infrastructure on (3th and 4th of february 2025, in Wageningen, The Netherlands. You van registratie via the registration button below.


Preliminary program

Sunday February 2nd – location Wageningen:

18.00 hours Welcome and appetizers

20.00 hoors Introduction and Dutch situation of Beaver burrowing (moet beaver met een hoofdletter?)

Monday February 3rd – location University of Wageningen:

Morning: Plenary presentations about beaver burrowing in infrastructure
Afternoon: Field trip
Evening: Diner

Tuesday February 4th – location University of Wageningen:

Morning: Parallel sessions

  • Technical solutions
  • Human Beaver interaction
  • Management plans

Afternoon: Field trip

  • Technical solutions
  • Human Beaver interaction

Evening: End of the program


Your costs for the meeting will be limited to your travel and accommodation costs. Traveling and hotel costs are at your own expense. Sunday Dinner on the 2nd of February, is at our cost. 

We have made hotel room options, so please book your own hotel room by mailing: with the reference GFC7713. The reference expires 16 December 2024.

Any questions?

Please contact us if you have any questions or if you’re facing difficulties concerning the travel/accommodation/program. We are looking forward to meet you in real life!

Hanneke Kloosterboer, +31 6 51 58 67 79

Robin Biemans, +31 6 22 96 58 80