Delta facts, English versions
Climate change/urban groundwater management
This fact sheet provides an overview of the collected, generated and compiled information on the possible effects of climate change on urban groundwat...
Bekijk DeltafactCritical infrastructure
Infrastructure networks are critical assets for the continuity of vital societal functions. The term critical infrastructure is commonly associated wi...
Bekijk DeltafactRobustness of fresh water
Robustness is a popular term in water management. It triggers associations with strong and invulnerable; if an object is robust, it will not break dow...
Bekijk DeltafactSpatial development in and on flood defences
Spatial development in and on flood defences is as old as the defences themselves. Laws and regulations for building on flood defences have tightened ...
Bekijk DeltafactAquifer storage and recovery
Excess fresh water is infiltrated and stored in aquifers through wells or infiltration ponds, and recovered from the same wells when needed. Aquifer s...
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